Submissions Close After 11:59pm — Friday, January 12th, 2024!
Use the buttons below to submit both online and physical entries. Additional information regarding physical submission of your entry can be found below.
Entry Fees and Deadlines for Registration:
Professional Competition Fees
Single Entry Fee
AAF-ND Member
Campaign Entry Fee
AAF-ND Members
Student Competition Fees
Additional Information
- Deadline for Early Bird Pricing: December 3rd, 2023
- Deadline for Regular Pricing: January 5th, 2024
- Final Deadline for Submissions (Includes Late Fees): January 12th, 2024.
- All entries are due by January 12th, 2024.
- Upon registering your entry online, physical copies of your submissions (when applicable) can be delivered to either of the following locations:
- AdShark Marketing: 503 7th St. N, Ste 104, Fargo, ND 58102
- Spotlight Media: 4609 33rd Ave S, Ste 304, Fargo, ND 58104
- All work entered in the American Advertising Awards competition must have first appeared between January 1 and December 31, 2023.
- Work entered must have been the result of paid creative services and/or media placement in the normal course of business.
- Exceptions include: works of Public Service Advertising and Advertising Industry Self Promotion categories, as well as student entries.
- Entries must be submitted in the CBSA, DMA or MSA where the work was created (as defined by Arbitron or Nielsen for your local market). If multiple Ad Clubs are in the same CBSA, DMA or MSA the Ad Club located nearest to the entrant geographically will be the entry site. In the event there are entrants located in markets not served by a local American Advertising Awards affiliated show, the acceptance, processing, judging, forwarding and fees of those entries will be decided by the governing body of the district in which the entrant is located. Additional geographic considerations are covered in the Professional Rules and Categories document that can be found on
- For Student eligibility requirements refer to the Student American Advertising Awards Rules & Categories that can be found here.
The expressed intent of the American Advertising Awards competition is to recognize and reward creative excellence in the legitimate everyday workplace of advertising. Occasionally, an entry is submitted that appears to have been created outside the conventional agency-to-client-to-media marketing structure, as if the entry was created solely for the purpose of winning an award. This type of work is not accepted.
After filling out the entry forms, you will be required to sign an Invoice/Manifest Form, listing all of your entries. This form states that by signing below you:
- Verify that the above information is accurate.
- Acknowledge that proper rights were obtained for use of any elements of the entry that were not original.
- Agree to submit documentation deemed necessary for review.
- Release the entry for Internet, broadcast and/or print (allow reuse of material).
- Verify that the entry was created within the local MSA of the competition.
Drop-Off Locations:
- AdShark Marketing: 503 7th St. N, Ste 104, Fargo, ND 58102
- Spotlight Media: 4609 33rd Ave S, Ste 304, Fargo, ND 58104
Physical entries must be placed inside an appropriately-sized envelope. AAF-ND highly recommends transparent plastic envelopes found in most office supply stores and catalogs. Manila envelopes may also be used. Mounted entries may be disqualified. If a transparent plastic envelope is used, insert two copies of the entry form securely inside the envelope behind the physical entry.
The entry (creative work) should be facing or readable from one side and the entry form facing or readable from the other. Firmly affix the entry number to the BACK of every piece in the entry (use removable entry number tabs from the bottom of printable entry form). If a manila envelope is used, spray-mount the entire entry form and attach to the front of the envelope. Insert a second copy of the entry form inside the envelope. Also firmly affix the entry number to the BACK of every piece in the entry (use removable entry number tabs from the bottom of printable entry form).
If a three-dimensional (3-D) item is small enough, it should be placed inside an envelope, as described above. The entry number label should be securely attached to the bottom of the entry. Insert two copies of the entry form inside the envelope. (If the entry is likely to tear the envelope when removing and replacing it, choose the method listed below.)
When a three-dimensional (3-D) item is oversized and too large to fit inside an envelope, enclose the item inside an appropriately-sized box. Secure the entry number to the top of the box in the upper right hand corner. An entry number label should be affixed to the bottom of the piece for identifying. Spray-mount the entry form to the bottom of the box and place a second copy of the entry form inside the box. Campaign entries may be handled in the same manner as above, placing the campaign inside an appropriately sized envelope.
Firmly affix the entry number to the BACK of every piece in the entry (use removable entry number tabs from the bottom of printable entry form). Indicate on each label “1 of 2” or “2 of 2,” etc. Include an extra copy of the entry form inside the envelope. All components of Campaign and Integrated Campaign entries must be entered together in an appropriately sized envelope whenever possible. Firmly affix the entry number to the BACK of every piece in the entry (use removable entry number tabs from the bottom of printable entry form). Label each component with an entry number
Single to Medium Campaigns:
- A SINGLE-MEDIUM CAMPAIGN is no less than two and no more than four total pieces in the entry.
Integrated Campaigns:
- An INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN is defined as a campaign or series of ads, commercials or executions that utilize more than one medium. The American Advertising Awards allows entries in all Integrated Campaign categories to submit up to ten executions for judging. Integrated Campaign entries may be accompanied by a written or digital (video) summary not to exceed 250 words (written) or 3 minutes (digital). Digital summaries must be submitted by uploading the video file during the online entry process. Failure to adhere to these limitations may result in a portion or all of the noncompliant entry to be removed from judging.
Online/Interactive Advertising:
- For Websites and all Online/Interactive entries, submit the URL addresses. For multiple URLs in a campaign category entry, create a web page that contains each of the individual links and provide the single URL to your newly created page, i.e.- entries.html. Do not submit a URL that leads directly to a “swf” file. Judging of online entries will be done online, using the URL whenever possible. URLs should not require any username or password for access. In cases where this already exists, the entrant should create an independent URL. URLs, banners and menus must not contain any references to the entrant.
Judging for the 2024 AAF-ND American Advertising Awards will be in-person. 3 judges from across the United States with a variety of related professional backgrounds will be flown into Fargo to review all entries.
Have questions?
2024 AAF-ND American Advertising Awards
Friday, February 23, 2024
Avalon Events Center
Fargo, ND
Not a member yet?
Sign-up for your 2023-2024 AAF-ND Membership to take advantage of American Advertising Awards entry discounts ($40 per entry!) and get a free ticket to the American Advertising Awards Ceremony.
Rules & Categories Reference Guide
Click image to view full size.